TENGO - a partner of REFLECT forum

It would seems, what can a design and furniture studio have to do with the biggest IT forums?
The answer is - the most direct!

It has already been proven that the productivity of employees directly depends on a comfortable workplace, a pleasant atmosphere in the team and comfortable office.
In TENGO, we do everything we can to meet this challenge, from designing the workplace, to corporate design and layout, to arranging comfortable furniture for each employee.

At the Reflect Festival, we presented business lounge furniture, showed current office solutions as well as sound absorbing cubicles, which become a stylish and very comfortable addition to any office.

Our head of sales, Heraklis, talks about it in a short video, which you can watch on our linked.in page here.

Kyriacos Kokkinos
The Deputy Minister of Cyprus
Mr. Kyriacos Kokkinos , the Deputy Minister to the President for Research, Innovation and Digital Policy, visited event and welcomed entrepreneurs, investors, technology enthusiasts and other professionals to Reflect Festival. His message was clear. The government is committed and working towards making Cyprus a regional tech hub for technology , innovation and science!
Kyriacos Kokkinos
The Deputy Minister of Cyprus
Mr. Kyriacos Kokkinos , the Deputy Minister to the President for Research, Innovation and Digital Policy, visited event and welcomed entrepreneurs, investors, technology enthusiasts and other professionals to Reflect Festival. His message was clear. The government is committed and working towards making Cyprus a regional tech hub for technology , innovation and science!